[Baqarah 2:80] And they said, "The fire will not touch us except for a certain number of days"; say, "Have you taken a covenant from Allah - then Allah will certainly not break His covenant - or do you say something concerning Allah what you do not know?"
[Baqarah 2:81] Yes, why not? * The one who earns evil and his sin surrounds him; he is from the people of fire (hell); they will remain in it forever. (You will remain in the fire forever).
[Baqarah 2:82] And those who believe and do good deeds - they are the People of Paradise; they will abide in it forever.
Section 10
[Baqarah 2:83] And (remember) when We took a covenant from the Descendants of Israel that, "Do not worship anyone except Allah; and be good to parents, relatives, orphans and the needy, and speak kindly to people and keep the prayer established and pay the charity"; thereafter you retracted, except some of you; and you are those who turn away.
[Baqarah 2:84] And when We took a covenant from you that, "Do not shed the blood of your own people nor turn out your own people from your colonies"; you then acknowledged it and you are witnesses.
[Baqarah 2:85] Then it is you who began slaying each other and you drive out a group of your people from their homeland - providing support against them (to their opponents) through sin and injustice; and if they come to you as captives you redeem them, whereas their expulsion itself is forbidden to you; so do you believe in some of Allah’s commands and disbelieve in some? So what is the reward of those who do so, except disgrace in this world? And on the Day of Resurrection they will be assigned to the most grievous punishment; and Allah is not unaware of your deeds.
[Baqarah 2:86] These are the people who bought the worldly life in exchange of the Hereafter - so their punishment will not be lightened, nor will they be helped.
Section 11
[Baqarah 2:87] And indeed We gave Moosa (Moses) the Book and subsequent to him, sent Noble Messengers one after another - and We gave Eisa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary), clear proofs and supported him with the Holy Spirit; so when a Noble Messenger from Allah comes to you bringing what you yourselves do not desire, you grow arrogant; so you disbelieve in a group of the Prophets and another group of Prophets you slay!
[Baqarah 2:88] And the Jews said, "Our hearts are covered"; in fact Allah has cursed them because of their disbelief, so only a few of them accept faith.
[Baqarah 2:89] And when the Book from Allah (the Holy Qur'an) came to them, which confirms the Book in their possession (the Taurat / Torah) - and before that they used to seek victory through the medium of this very Prophet (Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) over the disbelievers; so when the one whom they fully recognised (the Holy Prophet) came to them, they turned disbelievers - therefore Allah’s curse is upon the disbelievers.
[Baqarah 2:90] How abject is the price for which they exchange their lives that they should disbelieve in what Allah has sent down, jealous that Allah should reveal of His grace to whomever He wills of His bondmen! So they deserved wrath upon wrath; and for the disbelievers is a disgraceful punishment.
[Baqarah 2:91] And when it is said to them, "Believe in what Allah has sent down", they say, "We believe in what was sent down to us, and disbelieve in the rest" - whereas it is the Truth confirming what they possess! Say (to them, O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), "Why did you then martyr the earlier Prophets, if you believed in your Book?"
[Baqarah 2:92] And indeed Moosa came to you with clear signs, and after it you worshipped the calf - and you were unjust.
[Baqarah 2:93] And remember when We made a covenant with you and raised the Mount Tur (Sinai) above you; "Accept and hold fast to what We give you, and listen"; they said, "We hear and we disobey"; and the calf was still embedded in their hearts because of their disbelief; say (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), "What an evil command is what your faith orders you, if you are believers!"
[Baqarah 2:94] Say (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), "If the abode of the Hereafter in the sight of Allah is for you alone and none else, then long for death if you are truthful!"
[Baqarah 2:95] And they will never long for it, because of the evil deeds they have done in the past; and Allah knows the unjust, very well.
[Baqarah 2:96] And you will surely find them the greediest among mankind for life; and (likewise) among the polytheists (idolaters); each one of them yearns to live a thousand years; and the grant of such age will not distance him from the punishment; and Allah is seeing their misdeeds.
Section 12
[Baqarah 2:97] Say (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), "Whoever is an enemy to Jibreel (Gabriel)" - for it is he who has brought down this Qur'an to your heart by Allah’s command, confirming the Books before it, and a guidance and glad tidings to Muslims. -
[Baqarah 2:98] "Whoever is an enemy to Allah, and His angels and His Noble Messengers, and Jibreel and Mikaeel (Michael) -, then (know that), Allah is an enemy of the disbelievers."
[Baqarah 2:99] We have indeed sent down to you clear signs; and none will disbelieve in them except the sinners.
[Baqarah 2:100] And is it that whenever they make a covenant, only a group of them throws it aside? In fact, most of them do not have faith.
[Baqarah 2:106] When We abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten, We will bring one better than it or one similar; do you not know that Allah is Able to do all things?
[Baqarah 2:107] Do you not know that for Allah only is the kingship of the heavens and the earth? And except Allah, you have neither a protector nor any supporter?
[Baqarah 2:108] Do you wish to ask your Noble Messenger a question similar to what Moosa was asked before? And whoever chooses disbelief instead of faith has gone astray from the Right Path.
[Baqarah 2:109] Many among People given the Book(s) wished to turn you to disbelief after you had accepted faith; out of hearts’ envy, after the truth has become very clear to them; so leave them and be tolerant, until Allah brings His command; indeed Allah is Able to do all things.
[Baqarah 2:110] And keep the prayer established, and pay the charity; and whatever good you send ahead for yourselves, you will find it with Allah; indeed Allah is seeing your deeds.
[Baqarah 2:111] And the People given the Book(s) said, "None will enter Paradise unless he is a Jew or a Christian"; these are their own imaginations; say (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), "Bring your proof, if you are truthful."
[Baqarah 2:112] Yes, why not? Whoever submits his face for the sake of Allah, and is virtuous, his reward is with his Lord; and there shall be no fear upon them nor shall they grieve.
Section 14
[Baqarah 2:113] And the Jews said, "The Christians are nothing" - and the Christians said, "The Jews are nothing" whereas they both read the Book; and the ignorant spoke similarly; so Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection, concerning the matter in which they dispute.
[Baqarah 2:114] And who is more unjust than one who prevents the name of Allah being mentioned in the mosques, and strives for their ruin? It did not befit them to enter the mosques except in fear; for them is disgrace in this world, and a terrible punishment in the Hereafter.
[Baqarah 2:115] And the East and the West, all belong to Allah - so whichever direction you face, there is Allah’s Entity (Allah’s Mercy is directed towards you); indeed Allah is the All Capable, (His powers and reach are limitless), the All Knowing.
[Baqarah 2:116] And they said, "Allah has taken an offspring for Himself" - Purity is to Him! In fact, all that is in the heavens and the earth, is His dominion; all are submissive to Him.
[Baqarah 2:117] The Originator of the heavens and the earth - and when He commands a thing, He only says to it, "Be", and it thereupon happens.
[Baqarah 2:118] And the ignorant people said, “Why does not Allah speak to us, or some sign come to us?” Those before them had also spoken in the same way as they speak; their hearts (and of those before them) are all alike; undoubtedly, We have made the signs clear for the people who have faith.
[Baqarah 2:119] Undoubtedly, We have sent you (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) with the truth, giving glad tidings and conveying warning, and you will not be questioned about the people of hell.
[Baqarah 2:120] And never will the Jews or the Christians be pleased with you, until you follow their religion; say, "The guidance of Allah only is the (true) guidance"; and were you (the followers of this Prophet) to follow their desires after the knowledge has come to you, you would then not have a protector or aide against Allah.